Global Impact...
Below are our articles on the subject of Global Impact. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Countries Most at Risk from Ozone Depletion
The extension of the ozone hole over the Antarctic has led to radiation dangers for people in a number of different countries, including Australia, New Zealand,…...

Fears About Plankton: The Basis of the Food Chain
Plankton may be small but it certainly isn't insignificant. It is at the heart of our planet's food chain and a vital component to life on earth. It also absorbs…...

How Ozone Damage has Affected the Lives of People in Chile
Ozone depletion is worrying for people in all countries of the world, but especially so for those in Chile who live extremely close to the Antarctic Ozone Hole and are…...

How Ozone Depletion will Affect Global Plant Life
The Earth's plantlife is vital and we could face global problems in the food chain if crops and plants suffer from a drop in the planet's ozone levels....

Ozone And Other Greenhouse Gases
While the ozone layer is vital to life on earth, ozone at ground level is a pollutant and one of the greenhouse gases responsible for global warming....

What Will Happen to Life on Earth if Ozone Depletion Continues?
Ozone is vital to life on earth. Without it, mankind and most animals would die and plantlife would be wiped out. Our crops and plants are more vulnerable to damage…...

Why Antarctica?
Although you would expect an ozone hole to occur over a heavily populated, industrial country the unique temperature and weather conditions in Antarctica set the stage…...