Ozone & Us...
Below are our articles on the subject of Ozone & Us. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

All About Ozone Day
Every year, on the date of the original signing of the Montreal Protocol, the United Nations invites countries to take part in International Ozone Day....

All About UV Radiation
People in the UK do not face the same dangers from UV radiation as those living in hotter climates but it is still important to protect yourself from damage from the…...

Annual Ozone Protection Awards & Competition
Every year, individuals and corporations from all over the world receive awards in an environmental competition run by the US government for protection of the ozone…...

Dangers from Ground Level Ozone
Ground level ozone is a pollutant and can have serious effects on health and damage the local environment....

Health Effects of Ozone Depletion
Ozone depletion means that more UV radiation reaches us than it would normally and worldwide research has shown that this could have serious implications for our…...

Ozone Safe Products
Although CFCs have now been banned in a multitude of products, many still contain ozone depleting substances or are bad for the environment....

Protecting Yourself from the Effects of UV Radiation
Since ozone depletion allows more UV radiation to reach us, it is vital that you take steps to protect yourself from the sun as much as possible. UV radiation can…...

The Ozone Layer: Future Challenges
In parts of the world, the healing process has finally begun for our ozone layer following the international ban on CFCs. Unfortunately, we still face a number of…...

The Ozone Secretariat
The United Nations Environment Programme administers the Ozone Secretariat which oversees reports on ozone depletion and brings together experts to monitor ozone…...